Thursday, November 3, 2011
Repetitive Sports Injuries in Young Athletes by: Laura Copaken, M.D.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saddle up! Theraputic Horseback Riding by: Beverly Kornides, PT
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Help With Shoulder Pain - by: Donna Pendleton, PT, CHT
Shoulder problems become increasingly common in mid-life. Caused by different structural problems, most shoulder complaints can be solved with good orthopedic care including physical therapy.
Most shoulder problems, whether associated with rotator cuff tears, impingement, or sprain can be treated early in physical therapy to work on reducing pain and getting full movement back to the area.
Generally, shoulder problems include stiffness and pain, and patients report the pain limiting their ability to lift their arm overhead. It is common for patients to express concern with painful motion, worry that if they lift their arm overhead it will create further damage, and they avoid moving the arm in painful directions.
For patients who have not had surgery, therapy begins with the instructions to move the shoulder to avoid further stiffness. If stiffness is severe and movement is less than 50% of normal, the term “frozen shoulder” is used to describe the stiffness and dysfunction.
Keeping the shoulder moving to avoid stiffness is a good guideline for anyone with shoulder problems who has not had surgery. To aid in restoring motion without pain, the therapist will instruct patients to use a pulley to lift the arm, walk the wall, or lie down and use a cane to lift the arm overhead with more ease by assisting with the uninvolved limb.
Therapy is helpful for shoulder patients. Reducing pain and inflammation with ultrasound, electrical stimulation, manual and therapeutic exercise eases discomfort and movement of the shoulder.
Posture plays a particular role in shoulder comfort. Keeping shoulders back, shoulder blades pulled to the middle of the spine, and your back straight will ease pain considerably. If you sit at a computer or desk during work, try to get out of the chair every hour and move. Refresh your posture by reaching your arms behind your back, reaching overhead, and rolling your shoulders back.
If work involves overhead activities, try to position yourself higher to the work to minimize the overhead reach and take frequent breaks, lowering your arms to relieve the shoulder muscles of strain from working overhead.
Shoulder pain in some cases requires surgery, therapy and recovery time. Most shoulder irritations recover with motion, therapy and postural correction.
Early orthopedic consultation gets shoulder problems on the road to recovery with early intervention and prompt pain relief. Including therapy in the process gives patients the ability to work at home on exercises that stretch, strengthen and relieve pain.
If you have had a shoulder problem, perhaps you can share with us ideas that were helpful in your shoulder recovery. Did you find a particular exercise or home remedy to aid in restoring your shoulder function? Sharing your success story can help others with shoulder problems get on the road to recovery.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Foundations of Preparation for the Athlete by: Randall Krebs, PT
Even my calluses have blisters! The dog days of summer have my dogs barking in my shoes. I thought my “wheels” were fully inflated, but with these “three-a-day” practices I need my tires changed and balanced with a realignment.
Sharp increases in volume of sport participation or exercise intensity; combined especially with the lack of sleep, poor diet or dehydration may lead to inflammatory conditions, strains or more serious injuries taking the fun out of the fundamentals of sports and exercise.
Preparation with any endeavor, including sports and exercise, is an essential foundation often overlooked. Getting an expert to tailor a strength and conditioning program will give you an edge with both upgrading performance and preventing injury. This process starts with an evaluation that needs to include functional body mechanics. Only after an understanding of which muscle groups or joints are weak or unstable and conversely which ones are stiff or tight along with which sports movement patterns are less than mature or optimal, may a program that will maximize your time and results be effectively designed. Research has clearly demonstrated a specificity to practice and conditioning necessitating the professional designing your program needs to have an intimate understanding of the skills and demands of the activity you wish to safely improve.
Ideally, the program should be periodized over months but practically this happens most often at the more elite levels when trying to peak performance at a certain phase of the year. One of the periods in most programs is rest, but this rest sometimes includes “active rest” to speed recovery and if carefully planned by the professional can include cross training which will enhance confidence and motor success as well.
Lower body pain in children and adolescence is usually related to the growth plate of the bone, especially when growth has been recently rapid. A component of these pain syndromes, however, is that the muscles during these phases usually lag behind the bones and become in comparison, tight and weak.
Education in body awareness and self treatment is the keystone to most successful treatment of painful conditions. Massage, body work, taping and therapeutic electrical stimulation also have a place in controlling pain and facilitating return to full and active lifestyles for our children.
Monday, June 27, 2011
25 Ways To Be Fit: Donna Pendleton, PT, CHT
25 Ways to Be Fit
Being fit is a life endeavor. Some years will be more successful than others. A lifetime of practicing these few principles will have a powerful impact. You will find getting and staying fit simple and possible when you put these 25 tips into practice.
Live and get fit with everyday tools:
- Use smaller dinner plates to control portions and calorie intake. Eat just one serving, and avoid seconds.
- Make exercise a regular part of your life. Make friends where you exercise and use these friendships to promote accountability and increase your motivation.
- Know what you want to accomplish and visualize the end result of your hard work.
- Believe in yourself
- Don’t be a wimp or a complainer – most things worth having require some work. Fitness can be fun. Keep good work ethics a part of your plan.
- Drink water all day long.
- Know when to ask for help.
- Maintain your metabolism by eating a healthy snack or meal every three hours. Keep what you eat unprocessed, fresh, and low in sugar.
- Forget “will power” – it is about WANT power! How badly do you want it?
- Don’t eat processed foods. These foods are high in empty calories that have very little nutritional value to your body and contain chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Think: “if it comes out of a window or a box, it might not be good to eat”.
- Make food choices that are healthy, low in fat and eat plenty of lean proteins, leafy greens, and whole grains.
- It’s okay to be a skeptic. Watch out for products that are labeled “health food”. Always read the labels and make an informed decision.
- Act now and get the job done. Remember, talk is cheap.
- Exercise with people who are in better shape than you. This will encourage you to push your limits.
- Never indulge in negative self talk.
- Don’t drink calories.
- Pay attention to everything you eat.
- Get enough rest
- Be consistent with your exercise. Exercise three or four times per week for life.
- Expect more from yourself.
- Never eat or drink high fructose corn syrup. It will spike your blood sugar levels and encourage your body to store fat.
- Eat plenty of whole plant foods. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are filled with fiber and antioxidants and great for your health and weight control.
- Eat breakfast, always.
- If you know you deserve better, than go get it. Challenge yourself.
- Set specific, measurable goals and track your successful progress.
Life is over before you know it…get ready to make a change, live and eat healthy. Put these practices to the test, it is a great beginning. Print them where you can see them, strive to be focused, determined, and in control of your health. Get fit and stay fit for life.
Here at MMI, we can help you address and recover from injuries or barriers to your “fitness for life” success. We offer state of the art rehabilitation programs and our staff of rehabilitation professionals can individualize your fitness and treatment programs to reach your goals.
Are you struggling with a problem that interferes with your ability to reach your fitness level and stay healthy? Can we offer a suggestion to get you back on the path and moving again toward your goal. Let’s hear from you and let’s team up and get started on a Healthy New You.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Balance Issues Resolved Through Physical Therapy by: Bev Kornides, PT
Did you know that the #2 reason for patient visits to the primary care physician office is the complaint of dizziness?
Are you dizzy? Lightheaded? Or even tipsy? Do you have a sense of feeling “off balance”?
Pinning down these adjectives can help your physician better diagnosis the problem as it could be related to inner ear, a specific area of your brain, medication or a recent infection that may have residual effects.
For those patients who struggle with a sense of imbalance or disequilibrium, there are simple tests to evaluate one’s level of confidence in doing activities around the house without the risk of falls.
Physical therapists trained in this type of rehab called “Vestibular Rehabilitation” can help the physician with data collection toward nailing the correct cause of the imbalance. Could it be an inner ear problem, central nervous system or other?
Most common patient type in this category are those who suffer with Benign (not life threatening) Paraxysmal (recurrent sudden intensification of symptoms) Positional (related to bodily posture) Vertigo (sensation of rotation/spinning), otherwise known as BPPV.
Repositioning maneuvers, otherwise known as canalith repositioning, are done in the physical therapist’s office and offer a very effective option. Most cases of BPPV can be healed in 1-3 sessions with 80-90% resolution of all symptoms.
During the treatment sessions the patient is educated on the rationale of the canalith repositioning technique and why it works.
Approximately 50% of individuals with BPPV can experience another episode within five years. With their knowledge and understanding of their problem they often can effectively treat themselves.
So… Do you have spinning when you position change?
Does the symptom linger less than or greater than a minute?
Are you phobic about position change?
Don’t be a victim of such a correctable disorder; contact us in the physical therapy department of MMI.
Friday, May 27, 2011
So Your Young Son Wants to Pitch in the Major League. By: Dr. Mark Chilton
So your young son wants to pitch in the Major League some day. The secret to failure is burly success. No one who will make it to the big league as a pitcher was very successful pitching at Little League or in Babe Ruth.
There are 1000 ways to throw a baseball, but only one correctly. Youngsters rarely have the physical and mental aptitude to apply correct pitching mechanics. They lack balance, leg strength and shoulder deceleration, to name just a few. Inadequate follow through, throwing the ball across the body or with the hand under the ball in full cocking phase, are more frequently seen problems.
But if they are successful at striking out opponents at a young age, despite poor mechanics, then they will pitch more games and develop more habits until their shoulder and elbow fails. It happens every time. It is not just the coach over pitching the youngster, but the player himself, or parent, or teammate who encourage the youngsters malpresence because of previous success.
To be a successful pitcher at the college level or beyond, don’t pitch.
Learn proper mechanics. Learn to reproduce your release position so as to improve accuracy. Remember, pitching has three important aspects just like real estate. They are location, location, location.
When you do pitch, don’t worry about striking out every opponent. It is probably more important at the early stages of pitching to learn to play defense off the mound. When you do pitch, no curve balls before the age of 17. Just work on locating your fastball and maybe a changeup.
Never pitch more than one game per week, never more than 50 pitches per game for little league and 70 pitches per game for older Babe Ruth or high school players. When not pitching, don’t play catcher – the shoulder has only so many throws in it, save them for later.
Plus, don’t play on three different travel teams and don’t play year round. Be involved in other activates, especially your school work.
By age 17, your son should have reached the physical and mental maturity to have developed and maintain good pitching mechanics. His shoulder decelerators are strong enough to prevent shoulder and elbow problems and he is probably ready to throw a proper curve ball, not that risk twisting Little League curve.
For more information contact me, Dr. Mark Chilton or Randy Krebs, P.T. for group sessions in pitching mechanics.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Is Your Foot Fracture an Early sign of Osteoporosis? by: Damian Roussel, D.P.M
Many patients are unaware that unexplained foot pain or foot fracture can actually be an early sign of osteoporosis, a bone thinning disease that is blamed for 1.5 million bone fractures each year.
Osteoporosis is referred to as the “silent crippler” since it often progresses without any symptoms or isn’t diagnosed until a person experiences pain from a bone fracture. This is true because bones with osteoporosis are weakened and normal weight-bearing actions like walking can cause the bones in the foot to break. In fact I see many patients who visit my office suffering from foot pain, who come to find out they actually have a stress fracture without having experienced an injury.
While osteoporosis is most commonly seen in women over the age of 50, younger people and men are also affected. Early symptoms can include increased pain with walking accompanied by swelling. Often times I notice patients don’t seek treatments for their symptoms for weeks or even months thinking the pain will go away.
My advice is, don’t ignore foot pain of any type. Early intervention can make all the difference in your treatment and recovery. If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, it’s important to protect your feet from stress fractures. I recommend you wear shoes that provide good support and cushioning, such as athletic running shoes. If you are suffering from unexplained foot pain, don’t ignore it. Call our office for a complete evaluation.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Purpose of Splints as Part of Rehabilitation by Marisa Hombach, OTR/L, CHT
Splinting is a skill frequently used in hand therapy. There are many reasons why splints are used as part of the therapeutic process. Over the years, the science of splinting has evolved from exclusive use of plaster
Here are just a few of the reasons why splints are used as part of the therapeutic process:
- PROTECTION: A custom splint can provide protection following surgery or injury. Immobilization can encourage healing while the ability to remove a splint periodically for active range of motion (when appropriate) allows a patient more freedom than a cast.
- REDUCTION OF PAIN AND INFLAMMATION: Symptoms from repetitive motion injuries may be decreased by placing tendons at "relative rest"
- SCAR MANAGEMENT: In traumatic injuries such as burns, splints are used to help maintain mobility and avoid shortening of muscular or connective tissue.
- JOINT PROTECTION: In a diagnosis such as arthritis, splints can be used to prevent and/or slow further joint deformity and reduce pain by assisting in joint stability.
- IMPROVING JOINT MOTION: Splints can be constructed to assist in immobilization of one joint while allowing isolated movement of another joint. Similarly, "mobilization splints" can place a stiff joint into a prolonged, low load gentle stretch to improve mobility.
The hand therapy team at MMI has over 70 years of combined splinting experience. The therapists are educated in proper splinting techniques and the ability to customize the splint to the patient's diagnosis and personal needs. In addition to collaborating with the patient's physician, hand therapists have a working knowledge of anatomy, surgical repair and injury that are necessary to provide the patient with adequate safe movement to avoid stiffness, while allowing proper protection for healing.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Is Back Surgery Right For You? by: Dr. Mark Chilton
"My neighbor, Joe Blow, had spine surgery and he was worse after the surgery. I'd never have my back operated on!"
I hope you never need it, but I had my back operated on because of excruciating leg pain secondary to a herniated disc. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. Most, not all, of my spine surgery patients say the same thing. This is not to suggest surgery should be the first choice, but don't worry about Joe Blow.
People do get worse after spine surgery. Why? Several common reasons:
First, they probably should never have been operated on in the first place. When surgeons stretch the appropriate indications for a procedure to "try" to help a patient who is often begging (yes many patients request spine surgery) for a procedure, the result is failure.
Second, if you smoke, are hurt on the job or in a motor vehicle accident, have psychological issues such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disease, there is little chance you will be improved with spine surgery.
Third, if your pain pattern, neurological deficit, and imaging studies do not all match, you will not get a good surgical response.
Fourth, if you have had years and years of pain or 2, 3, 4 or more previous spine operations, the next one won't help you
Fifth, if you are addicted to narcotic medications, you will not be helped with spine surgery.
Sixth, if you see three or more spine surgeons that say you shouldn't be operated on, and you let the fourth surgeon do the procedure, you will not be helped.
Spine surgery should not be the first nor the last option for your pain. Make sure your spine surgeon is Board Certified in Neurosurgery or Orthopaedic Surgery. Thoroughly discuss your procedure and options with your surgeon. And make sure your pain isn't coming from some other ailment like arthritis of the spine or hip, diabetes affecting the nerves, or other reasons that only well qualified doctors can eliminate as causes.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Training Visit For Middletown High School Girls Softball Team With Beverly Kornides, PT - Hagerstown Office
I was invited by the parent of one of my patients who knew of my ability to connect with young adolescents and impress upon them the importance of taking care of their bodies, and preparing their muscles for a season of softball practices and games five days a week.
Most informed parents and coaches understand that overuse injuries are on the rise as statistics show that greater than thirty percent of repeated trauma injuries were in the age group of 15 to 24 year old females. Fifty percent of this age group was middle and high school female athletes. While sixty-two percent of organized sports injuries occur at the athlete's practices.
Many of the girls participated in strength training, usually at the school. Although having good intentions, I discovered that in these athletes many of the primary muscles that help with longevity and tolerance in the game were neglected in this training. Major deficits occurred including limited core building and posterior shoulder and mid-back strengthening exercises. Stretching, likewise, was found to be less than optimal.
A strong core - the muscles in your abdominals, back and glutes - gives you stability, power and endurance. If your core muscles can't support your pelvis it will drop which causes your hips, knees and ankles to lose proper alignment. When this happens you can't efficiently absorb forces and your muscles fatigue quickly. This could lead to common problems encountered by athletes such as anterior knee pain, shin splints, low back pain and foot pain or even fractures.
A strong mid and upper back and posterior shoulders allows one to hold proper form while running and playing as well as when sitting in the classroom. How many of our youth spend so much time with bad posture, rounding shoulders while on the computer, phone or video games. This sets up postural muscle imbalances that have been linked to rotator cuff problems, neck and low back pain and common baseball ailments such as "Little League Elbow.
Finally, the players learned the importance of stretching and flexibility. Flexible muscles are more efficient. Gains in strength and endurance allow muscles to recover more efficiently and lessen the chance of breakdown or "repeated trauma" complaints.
So, with that knowledge now, GOOD LUCK GIRLS. . . have a fun and safe 2011 softball season!